
Lumbar Disk Disease

Lumbar Disk Disease

Lumbar Disk Disease affects the lower back region, which is home to the five bone segments that altogether make up the lumbar spine.

How Does Lumbar Disk Disease Occur?

Modifying the normal disk’s structure is the root reason for lumbar disk disease. Lumbar Disk disease typically at times results from aging and the regular breakdown that takes place within the disk. Severe trauma can occasionally result in a normal disk herniating. An already-existing herniated disk may deteriorate due to injuries as well.

What Are the Chances Of Developing a Lumbar Disk Disease?

Physical inactivity can result in weak back and abdominal muscles, which may not support the spine effectively, even though age is the most common risk factor in this case. Additionally, the prevalence of back problems increases in cases that are typically inactive but suddenly active and participate in overly strenuous activities. Jobs that require twisting or maybe heavy lifting of the spine can even cause back injuries. 

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